Blossom Leaf Wellbeing & Education

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Being Kind to Yourself

Being kind to ourselves is the number one self-care practice we probably don’t do enough of and all need a little bit more of. We often put others before ourselves leaving us feeling unworthy and then selfish when we finally do something for us.

Self-care looks different for everyone but there are some really simple practices that we can incorporate that will soon have us noticing a difference in our own self-worth.

  1. Focus on all our positives, this doesn’t mean that we need to ignore our areas for development but it does mean giving a shout out to ourselves for all the good things about us. Being proud of our achievements, starting to accept compliments with a thank you rather than finding a brushoff comment when someone says something nice. Noticing what we love about our body is it your eyes or perhaps your smile, we can all find something to love about ourselves.

  2. Start something new it could be a new routine or practice maybe a new hobby you’ve have been wanting to try for ages. This can spark excitement in us which brings about a smile and happy feelings in the brain.

  3. Quit the comparison. I know this is hard particularly with social media but, you are you and that is your super power! Remember that. It’s worth noting those that trigger you too, think about why that is. Do they have something you want? If so rather than be jealous support them, cheer them on and go after creating the same for yourself.

  4. Take time to hang out with your friends, the positive ones! The ones that lift you up and make you laugh this can change our mood and mind-set instantly.

  5. Get moving and eat some high vibe food! This doesn’t mean don’t eat cake or have a day slobbing on the sofa, I’m all for days like this but everything in moderation. Life is about balance and creating the right balance is everything for a healthy mind-set.

  6. Be your own best friend think about how you would talk to your best friend and compare it to the things your mind says about and to you. Is it the same? More often than not, it is not the same and this needs to change. Start by some small reflective thoughts at the end of the day what are you proud of today, what did you handle well, what did you learn, what did you appreciate? Start noticing the achievements each day. This not only helps your self-worth but also encourages you to be better and find more positives in the day.

I hope this is useful to some of you, we would love for you to share your being kind tips in the comments so we can all add even more to our tool kit. :)