Blossom Leaf Wellbeing & Education

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Winter Pick Me Ups

When the alarm clock goes off and its pitch dark, cold and you hear the rain pattering on the window more often than not we want to snuggle that little bit more under the duvet and drift back off to sleep but we can't always do that when we have commitments, whether it be work, school run etc.

There is actually a lot more to it than just being dark and cold that causes our brain to want to retreat from the world, get cosy on the sofa and eat all the delicious things we can muster up in our Mind.

The fewer daylight hours means less exposer to the sun which is important in providing us with Vitamin D. Vitamin D is associated with healthy brain function and a lack of this can contribute to making us feel low in the winter months, the shift in daylight hours can often mean less sunshine on our skin which means a reduction in vitamin D which is associated with healthy brain function.

I don't know about you, but my diet really impacts my mind-set which is for sure trickier in the winter when all I want to do is curl up and eat yummy food which in turn means I have little motivation to do exercise. Historically we would hibernate, keep warm and eat food sourced in preparation for the winter months so our bodies hold memories of this from our ancestors.

So what can we do? Through my research these are the top tips for beating low mood in the winter months

  • Get out in the light as often as we can and take a walk, this way we get double the benefits of exercise and light

  • Invest in a light box which can help with getting us moving on those dark mornings

  • Get enough sleep by keeping a consistent sleep pattern when possible

  • Balance work with things that bring fun and pleasure

  • Eat a balanced diet, this doesn’t mean denying ourselves of sugar or carbs but making sure we include a daily dose of fruits and veggies

Try switching up your exercise routine if you are finding it hard to motivate yourself. Any exercise is good for you so finding a style that feels good to you is the most important thing and will help keep you consistent.

The same may go for self-care routines, I think the winter months lend themselves well to gorgeous scented candles, journaling, sipping cacao, hot baths with beautiful essential oil infused bath salts, luxurious body oils to help keep the skin hydrated and nourished from the winter elements.

Most of all be kind to yourself and don't beat yourself up for the scientifically proven changes to our mind and body. This happens to us all! Instead try incorporating the tips above into a balance that works well for you and try leaning into the cosy winter months.